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5 Ways for a Guy to Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Here are 5 tips – designed for the guys – to help them get that restful, refreshed, ready-for-a-big-day sleep they need. Here’s a hint though – they might work for you gals, too.

Be cool

Really cool. When she says she’s cold offer an extra blanket because men and women do like different sleeping temperatures and, frankly, it’s easier to get warmer than cooler. Lower the thermostat to your comfort level and let her put some more blankets on her side. (You might have to ask her to forego the flannel p.j.’s though.)

Cuddle sideways

Seriously, you’re going to get something good out of it – like a lower stress level. If she’s a cuddler, that doesn’t mean you have to be uncomfortable. You need sleep – she needs you (and that’s not a bad thing). So, go sideways. That old-fashioned spoon position has actually been shown to increase intimacy and lower your stress. It’s a win-win.

Stop time

Well, at least throw out that digital clock. That glow may seem insignificant but it can be enough to interrupt your sleep. When the lights go off, go dark – with one of those old-fashioned clocks that have hands and a key to wind ‘em up. Remember? Or, if that’s just too old school for you, look for one of the new digital clocks that has a display that can be turned off.

Forget the end of the show

If you’re prone to falling asleep while you’re watching the end of your favorite TV show from bed, stop. We’re not talking about that infamous blue light here – although it counts. What we’re really talking is comfort. If your head is propped up to catch what’s happening on the bedroom TV, you won’t have the proper head and neck alignment for a good night’s rest. Instead, turn off the TV, get a good pillow and stretch out.

Go shopping

If you’re sharing a bed – or sleeping alone – that bed should be big and stable. You don’t want to be disturbed by her movements (or the movements of your dog if that’s the case). If she tosses, turns or (heaven help us) snores, the more space the better. An adjustable bed with a slightly raised head on her side might help with the snoring.

Claim your space and claim a good night’s rest. Turn down the temp; turn off the light (all of it). Cuddle up. And, make sure you have a mattress that’s up to all the action but will stop the movement once it’s time for shut-eye. A latex-alternative mattress is a good choice – supportive, good at ending motion transfer when you’re asleep but with enough bounce to make not going to sleep fun!