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5 Ways to Become a Morning Person
Can a night owl become a morning person, and is it even worth the effort? Laura Vanderkan, the writer of What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, cuts to the heart of the matter. It’s much more practical to be a morning person – and, research says you’ll be more productive. But how can you get rid of your night owl habits and live like a morning lark? Time magazine outlined some ideas to help you add mornings to your schedule.

Counteract sleep inertia.

Is good in the middle of the night, but not so great in the morning. Sleep inertia is that physiological state that helps you fall back asleep when a visit to the bathroom or a strange noise interrupts your sleep. Unfortunately, it’s there in the morning, too. Fight back. One sleep expert suggests stretching, drinking water or taking a shower as soon as the alarm sounds its first beep. Don’t let sleep inertia lure you back to sleep.

Get some exercise... first thing in the morning.

Some of the things that morning larks claim are true—like how you’re more likely to make your exercise a regular part of your day if you exercise in the morning. Plus, it wakes you up and gets you moving. Another step towards both better health and converting yourself into a morning person.

Harness the power of natural light.

It’s natural light that sets the circadian rhythm, so use it to your advantage. Make your exercise a morning jog. Not your thing? How about strolling through your garden with a cup of coffee in hand? Sleep experts say that morning light is probably the most important thing you can do to send your body a wake up and enjoy the day message. So, get up and get out.

Offer yourself some helpful "bribes".

You don’t want to get up and run or even take a walk in the backyard. So, what would you like? Is it stopping for breakfast at your favorite café or an indulgent latte? Give yourself a reward for jumping out of bed and getting going. Maybe, meet one of those early bird friends at that café.

Focus on enjoying your morning.

Don’t start your day with hustle and bustle. Give yourself a little morning time to do something you enjoy. Start the crossword puzzle in the local paper? Meet a friend for coffee? Enjoy some quiet time with a good cup of coffee in the park that’s on the way to work? Write in your journal? Find something you like to do and give yourself the morning time to enjoy it before the day gets underway.

Another great way to become a morning person is to get a good night’s sleep: Follow the rules, turn off all your screens, make your bedroom a haven for sleep and make sure that you have a good, supportive mattress. Since quality sleep is the bedrock of your well-being, it'll be worth the investment.