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Do You – or Your Loved One – Own a Pair Man Jammies?
It’s a question you have to ask – do real men wear pajamas? It’s estimated that 40% of both men and women simply strip down at night and end up sleeping in their underwear or nothing. A t-shirt or undershirt and boxer may be the first choice of many men. But, should they think about buying some PJ’s. Here are 3 reasons to go shopping and 3 reasons not to bother.

PJ Pros

  1. Going to sleep and waking up. Putting on your PJs at the end of the day is a clear ending that will become a good beginning. You put on your PJs and you’re through with work. It’s personal time – time to relax. It’s a signal to your mind and body that the constrictions of the day are over and you are free to enjoy your family, your good book and a good night’s sleep. In the morning, you’re going to wake up feeling more put together. If you have to greet the delivery man, you’re good to go to the door. You’ll look downright dapper grabbing the morning newspaper off the lawn. You’re ready to take on the day.
  2. You can share! Is there anything sexier than a woman in a man’s PJ top while he shows off his abs in the bottoms? Thought not? That may be why women buy their men pajamas!
  3. PJs are a style statement. Seriously! We’re talking major name brands and major PJ manufacturers. Men’s stores find buyers thinking that the PJ shirt would look really good with a pair of jeans. Andy Spade, one of the founders of Sleepy Jones PJ company, said “I can wear a white poplin pajama shirt with navy piping with a rep tie and blazer and I feel fine.” You look good in bed – and you may get double-duty from today’s classy PJ designs.

PJ Cons

  1. They may not set the mood. There are things you do in the bedroom that don’t involve sleeping. Will you in PJs be a turn-on or a turn-off. It’s been noted that in the 40s and 50s, men’s pajamas were considered sexy (think Cary Grant), but today we’re used to scantily dressed men and nudity. The PJs may have lost their sex appeal.
  2. Naked is normal. The idea of men sleeping in the nude is widely accepted. Now, add the fact that some research shows that a human body is better able to regulate temperature and fall asleep faster when naked. Plus, men (as well as women) are less likely to have yeast or fungal infections “down there” if they sleep nude.
  3. PJs belong at home. OK, we’ll grant that one of today’s tailored PJ tops may not be immediately identifiable as PJs and can make the transition to topping a pair of jeans, but lounge pants and PJ bottom don’t belong in public. Be comfortable at home, but when you go out, dress of it!

A good night’s rest is all about comfort. So, whether you choose PJs, underwear, a T-shirt or nothing at all, choose what makes you feel relaxed and ready to fall asleep. And, no matter what you wear or don’t wear, remember you can’t be comfortable on a bed that lumpy, bumpy and incapable of giving you support. If that’s your problem, don’t shop for new PJs – shop for a new, cool and supportive latex mattress!