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5 Lesser-Known Facts About Temperature and Sleep
A supportive mattress, comfortable sheets, a soft contouring pillow... there are plenty of things that matter when it comes to getting quality sleep, but rarely do people realize how important temperature is in fending off sleep deprivation. Temperature has a significant impact on your ability to fall sleep and stay that way, especially since discomfort and sweating at night can pull the body out of deep sleep and reduce the restorative benefits of a night's rest.

Wondering if sleep temperature could be robbing you of quality sleep? Check out these 5 lesser-known facts about sleep and temperature.


The best sleeping temperature is between 65 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

Every individual has to find the temperature – and bedding – that helps them sleep. Individual preferences count.


Evidence suggests cooler is better.

Scientific evidence says that cooler is better for getting to sleep. It’s a drop in your core temperature that signals your brain to go to sleep. That’s why a hot bath or shower that promotes rapid cooling when you get out will help you get to sleep.


Cool, but not too cold.

If you’re so cold you’re shivering, you aren’t going to find the deep sleep you need. A shift from hot to cooler core temperature may say “sleep”! But, being perfectly comfortable is the key to a deep, restful sleep. Your brain turns down your “thermostat” and wants you a little cooler – but if you’re really cold that will interrupt your sleep!


Bedding is a key element in sleeping cool.

It’s cold outside so you don’t have to worry about getting your room down into the 60s, but you don’t like to be cold so you put on the flannel P.J.’s, a wool blanket or two and snuggle down. Wow! You’re going to be hot. Thing pajamas, a sheet and a simple blanket can push your skin temperature up to the 90 degree range – add your significant other and it’s even higher.


Cooling your head and scalp helps you sleep.

Your brain likes to sleep cool – they even make cooling caps. Today, there are also pillows designed to stay cool. A hint: Yawning is thought to offload some of the heat in around your brain.

Need some help keeping your bedroom comfortably cool? Try these 6 simple tips.


Some people sleep deeply in a room as cold as 60 degrees – some find that they’re cold. Work on this by paying attention to whether you’re hot or cold, what bedding you are using, how quickly you fall asleep and how well you sleep through the night. Find what temperature works for you. If you live in a very hot climate, you may want to add a fan – or two! – to achieve a cooler sleeping comfort without a high utility bill. In a colder climate, add another blanket until if you’re too cold.